Write an essay of 8 pages on a significant ethical controversy. Explain the range of opinions politicians, policy-makers, experts, and people held regarding this controversy. Make a reasoned case for your own point of view on this issue, in which you clearly articulate your own conception of ethics as it applies to this particular controversy. Your essay should rely on at least two sources outside the readings for this class. There are now many excellent websites devoted to ethical issues, as well books and articles in the library. I am happy assist you by providing suggestions.

The range of possible issues is almost endless, and you are encouraged to write about an issue that is not included in the course syllabus. The following list is meant only to be suggestive.

warfare, war powers

the arms race, drone strikes

civil liberties during wartime


the right to privacy


civil disobedience

official disobedience

rights of the accused

victim’s rights

civil rights

hate crimes, hate speech

Welfare and poverty

charity, philanthropy

Affirmative Action

campaign finance

political corruption

crime and punishment, capital punishment

gun rights, gun violence

allocating health care


politicians’ personal lives

religion and politics

religion in American society

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