Assignment Objectives You will complete this assignment by writing an essay that analyzes a text, that is, an object that uses rhetoric to communicate a message. Your essay should 1) have a thesis statement that directly makes a claim about what the text you are analyzing communicates and why, 2) use specific, detailed examples from the text to support that claim and the reasons why, and 3) summarize, paraphrase, and quote from the text adequately to complete the task.

Must be 3-4 pages in length (not including works cited page)

Write a persuasive essay that presents your argument for how a video advertisement that you choose from the list below communicates to its viewer messages about how the product advertised confirms or endorses values, identities, or stereotypes in society. Your essay may use personal experiences for support, but most of support or elaboration in this essay must be drawn from your chosen advertisement. The video advertisements that you may choose from are   Gillette  iPhone XS on T-Mobile  Nature Valley You will find these videos embedded or clearly linked to in the Unit for Essay 2 section of D2L. Suggestion for Process Analysis is the act of explaining not only what an object, text, image, or other medium says, but also how it says it and how it attempts to persuade or influence its audience. Your analysis essay should have a clear thesis statement (claim + because + support) that argues how specific elements of the advertisement work to create meaning or communicate. This can seem a little overwhelming when approaching a writing task such as this for the first time because there are many features of any given text that you could focus on, especially advertisements: dialogue, style, narrative, argumentation, repeated images, and so on. Choose one or two elements that best support your claim to focus on.

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