view a full-length concert (like an opera) on youtube and write a concert review of that. Include the link and be sure to include details from the entire video.
1. Provide 1-2 paragraphs describing the concert you attended and the music performed in formal, academic language.
2. Give TITLES of pieces/songs and GENRE or type of music played (jazz, baroque, opera, romantic, etc).
3. Give the HISTORY of the music played.
4. What instruments were played?
5. Write about the performers themselves: where are they from, what is their background, what do they play?
6. What is your own response to the performance and the music? Like it? Love it or Hate it? Why?
7. Write about the substance of the performance and the music and your response to it ONLY. (I don’t need to know what you had for dinner or how traffic was getting to the venue.)
8. Upload your essay in either PDF or DOC(X) format ONLY! You can receive a zero if I cannot read your essay.
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