In the United States, there has been a national censorship affecting the most sensitive and shapeable demographic: children and teenagers. Schools, where youngsters develop an academic foundation they will use for the rest of their lives, are banning works of literature from their libraries and curriculums. These books are being banned because they have been accused of promoting subjects like violence, racial prejudice, and other controversial subjects that are not acceptable in our current society. However, this national banning should not be occurring. Schools should not ban books because they reflect problematic social issues and beliefs. These books present our history, and we have the right to read them and encourage others to do the same. As a high school student, I believe that reading books I was assigned in school that are now being banned taught me more about the history and culture of different time periods than my standard history class. For example, reading The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, which has been banned due to accusations of immorality and misogyny, gave me an inside look of how women were restricted and set to an impossible standard of perfection in the 1600s. Also, as a female, this book has been an inspiration for me to take advantage of the rights I have and never forget the struggles past women had to face because of their gender. So, from a personal standpoint, books should not be banned because they give students an insight into our past that cannot be obtained from a typical textbook. Speaking of the past, when the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed in 1791, Americans were given the right of free speech and press. So, to apply this to the current predicament, banning books directly violates the rights of students in this country. Though young, students possess the freedom of their words as well as the observation of the words written by others. Students should be allowed to read the stories and perspectives of authors and have the freedom to learn about their views and beliefs even if they are deemed problematic. For it is a student’s choice whether to read these books that portray awful times in our history or support ideas that are not appropriate in the present. By restricting this right, we are violating the freedom we have based the United States upon. Just imagine going to a library and being told you cannot read a specific book because it reflects an era of history that Americans don’t want to highlight. Sadly, some people are not even given the chance to possess a book or learn to read one. Why should we pass up such a gift of literacy that others want but can’t have? Most students in the United States are given this lucky freedom to read and explore wherever their minds take them. If they want to learn about our history or different beliefs and cultures, they should be allowed to do so. Supporters of this banning state that the censored books promote racism, violence, and other problematic ideology that is not acceptable in our present society, therefore, they should not be taught or discussed. While some books do record this kind of thinking, those beliefs and events are part of our history. The United States and other countries were sadly built by blood, war, and slavery. However, we have the right to learn about our past not only for the knowledge of what we did then, but how we can improve for a better future. For we cannot improve our nation if we teach that it is acceptable to restrict the voices of writers and the importance of history. Banning books from schools is an action that should not be accepted. We have been given the right to speak and to hear the voices of others even if their beliefs do not align with our own. Our schools should be encouraging students to reach for knowledge and explore the questions they have, not discouraging their intellectual inquires. Also, we should not ban the writings of others because they portray a point in history, a certain culture, or an idea or belief that reflects our true past. If we start restricting the recounts of authors, what is to stop us from trying to ban teaching parts history entirely. Banning books is not something that should be occurring because it is a steppingstone for a world where history, freedocsum, and the pursuit of knowledge are nonexistent.
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