Week 3 Discussion
Advanced Microcomputer Applications
Week 3 Discussion
One of the most commonly used function in spreadsheets is the SUM function that you are are reading about this week. Describe a scenario where you could personally use the SUM function in a worksheet and briefly discuss what factors you would consider in deciding to take the time to set up SUM functions in a spreadsheet vs. just manually updating totals with a calculator.
Additionally, submit an Excel or Google Sheets attachment that contains a column of at least 3 values and with a Total row at the bottom that uses the SUM function to add those cells. To better showcase your data, look to label your values in a column to the left and label your Total row as well. Feel free to get creative with formatting, the kind of numerical values you are adding, and your subject matter. (Remember: do not include any personal data for you or friends/family in these submissions)
Week 4 Discussion
Advanced Microcomputer Applications
Week 4 Discussion
Both Excel and Google Sheets allow the user to add additional worksheet tabs to allow for multiple sheets within one larger workbook. Give an example from your personal or professional life where it might be necessary to create a workbook with multiple tabs. Are there any potential challenges or disadvantages to maintaining several tabs in one worksheet vs. keeping several separate files?
Additionally, using your Week 3 discussion submission attachment (your spreadsheet using the SUM function), create two new tabs (to give you a total of 3 sheets). Rename each sheet to a theme of your choice, but something that makes sense when used together (such as tabs for three different client payment logs in your landscaping business). Also, change the colors of each tab to be unique from each other. The workbook should contain data on the original sheet from your prior submission, but otherwise, just focus on the work for the worksheet tabs. You do NOT need to create new data for all three pages. Submit the spreadsheet as an attachment so others can see what you have done and comment on your work. Be sure to use your own sheet tab names and not those that others have used.
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