As you have learned, one way to involve families is to use storybooks. For this assignment read this article on The Literacy Benefits of Listening. As well, review this blog posting (Links to an external site.) by Erika Burton on Parent Involvement in Early Literacy. Finally, read this article by Children’s Book Council on how to choose books for children to read. Choose a storybook from either your local library or one that you may use with your own children at home. Then, from the resources above and your readings from the text, create a lesson to engage children and their families. Your lesson should include the following elements and should be four-six pages in length not including the title and references page. You will need to include at least three credible sources, one of which must be your text. Use all three sources to cite your work and be sure to use correct APA formatting as per the Ashford Writing Center Guidelines. · Summarize the text in your own words. Describe your rational for choosing the book and what you hope to accomplish by using it with your students and their families. · Write a family letter about your chosen story book and invite families to attend school to take part in group activities related to the book. · Create at least five discussion questions to use with your students and their families. · Describe two different activities that can be completed by families and their children in the classroom. Be sure to cite your source(s) for these activities. · Describe one activity that can be completed by the family at home. Be sure to cite your source for this activity. · Create an evaluation form to solicit feedback from parents and students to assess the value of this program. Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.see full work attached

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