Role-play 2
Residents of the Darwin-Palmerston region have experienced below average rainfall in the 2018-’19 wet
season. As a result, a second successive poor wet season may see implementation of water restrictions in the
2020 dry season.
Investigate alternative sources of water supply for the region, noting that these sources may have to continue
providing water for an unforeseeably long-term future time-scale.
To explore alternative water sources further, students will be allocated to one of the following special
interest groups:
SCADA, and mainframe, IT systems engineer
Darwin, or Palmerston, City Council elected member
Swimming pool operator
Abattoir (slaughterhouse) operator
Environmentalist/green activist
Rural resident (needs large amounts of water for fruit trees and grass)
Town resident (lives in a small house/unit and has only a small garden)
Aboriginal Land Traditional Owner under the provisions of the Native Title Act 1993 No. 110, 1993.
“NT News” Editorial team
External students may choose to represent any of the aforementioned special interest groups as the balance
of numbers amongst externals is unimportant given that only internal students will actually attend the roleplay workshop for which balanced numbers and equal representation are more important.
Each student is to prepare a maximum of one A4 page of notes on the probable impact that this scenario will
have with regards alternative source(s) of water supply on the special interest group to which they have been
allocated. These are to be relatively rough notes, and are certainly not in the form of a formal report/essay.
Notes must be submitted electronically in .pdf format through Learnline. After marking (see below), your
notes will be placed on Learnline, so that they can be reviewed by all students thereby helping to shape their
opinions as well.
Marking scheme
The written notes should be your own thoughts and deductions from the research you carry out to complete
this exercise. No marks will be awarded for material copied from the InterNet or other sources. Your notes
will be marked on their depth and extent of factual content, rather than emotive argument.
This exercise is worth 5% of the total marks for this unit. Late submissions cannot be accepted, as this will
delay the up-loading of your submissions on Learnline.
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