
This deliverable will examine your ability to define a strategy for implementation of an ecommerce system.


To complete the Ecommerce Strategy:

  1. Download and read the Nozama Information Sheet
  2. Create a document that addresses the following:
    1. Company Information
      1. Identify Nozama and explain what it does
      2. Explain the intranet
      3. Detail the differences between intranet and internet
    2. Products
      1. Clearly identify and define your product
      2. Choose and identify a book publisher
      3. Provide a rational regarding why you chose this publisher and those books
    3. Website Functionality
      1. Identify the hardware that will be needed
      2. Determine where to get the hardware and how much it will cost
      3. Provide a rationale on why you chose this type of security hardware
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