In Chapter 5’s discussion of social norms, and an experiment in which MIT students took fewerStarburst candies when the candies were offered for free, Ariely notes, “As it turns out, we are caring social animals, but when the rules of the game involve money, this tendency is muted.” Assuming Ariely is correct that we are caring social animals when money is NOT involved, please think of a way to make the U.S. health care more caring, by removing money from one aspect of the system.
What would your revised system aspect look like, without money changing hands?
How would there be more caring?
According to Ariely, a communal plate (of sushi, say) transforms the food into a shared resource. And once something is part of the social good, “it leads us into the realm of social norms.” Meaning: we are reluctant to grab that last piece of sushi off the shared plate! Please think of one way to transform some aspect of U.S. health care delivery into a shared resource. Please comment on how the resource can be made shared. Then comment on how, because it will be shared, it would lead toward evaluating that resource with respect to social norms, instead of market norms.
In Chapter 6 Ariely discusses “the influence of arousal.” He concludes, “We need to understand the cold state and the hot state” of decision-making. With respect to reforming the Affordable Care Act (and U.S. health care more generally), what’s the “hot state”? How does it differ from the “cold state”? On the way to reform, how are we to “somehow experience and understand the emotional state we will be in on the other side of [health care reform]”?
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