Background information should be minimal; definitions are not to be included.Your paper should explain, in dollars or a country’s currency, not percentages, what profits/losses occurred related to your topic, what happened economically because of your topic, what your topic would contribute to the U.S. and/or other affected countries’ economies.Suggested: your topic’s effect plus or minus on each affected countries’ GDP, balance of payments, labor costs, exports/imports, etc.
Based on this approval, your paper’s focus must be your approved topic and its positive and/or negative international economic impact expressed in dollars or a country’s currency.Once again, the total focus of your paper must be quantitative analysis (currency) and not a qualitative presentation of your approved topic.
NOTE: Expressing comparisons as a percentage is ambiguous without a base value because the amount of change can be greater with a small percentage change versus a very large percentage change.Example:
- If a country’s GDP increase 500% but the GDP base value is only 100, their GDP is 500.
- If a country’s GDP increases 4% but the base value is 1 million, their GDP is 1,040,000.
At least two refereed journal articles are required and submitted paper must be properly cited with no more than 15% of the paper’s content being cited material. Submitted paper will be spellchecked, proofread, and economically accurate.
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