Please read Just Mercy chapters 1-5.Please reflect on the prompts below and record your reactions, thoughts or feelings in a video journal. You MUST complete ALL prompts.Only I will have access to the journals and all journals will be deleted at the end of the semester.

1. Please reflect on the interaction between Bryan Stevenson and Henry. What are your reactions to this exchange. What is happening for Bryan? What is happening for Henry? What are they doing for each other?

2. What does Bryan mean when he says he gets emotionally drained? What does emotionally drained mean to you? Can you identify an experience (that you feel comfortable sharing) where you felt emotionally drained?

3. Please Describe Walter McMillian

4. Please do a quick google search on Michael Donald (killed in Mobile Alabama, 3/21/1981).

How does Michael Donald connect with Walter McMillian?

5. How did Walter get the money to pay for his lawyers?

6. Please do a quick google search on peremptory challenge in jury selection. How does this relate to the case of Walter McMillian?

7. Please describe “Yellow Mama”. How would you feel about living in the same community as “Yellow Mama”?

8. Describe Herbert Richardson.

9. Please reflect on the FIRST interaction between Bryan Stevenson and Herbert Richardson. What are your reactions to this exchange. How do you think Bryan is experiencing this exchange?

10. Please do a quick google search on (Addie May Collins, Carol Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Rosamond Robertson). Given what you learn about these people. How could Richardson’s crime uniquely affect the Black community?

11. How can Bryan Stevenson benefit from a forensic psychologist?

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