1. The memory location known as the ____ is where the computer stores the list of method locations to which the system must return. A) method stack B) location stack C) call stack D) store location 2. What is one item that must be included in a method’s header if it can receive a parameter? A) local parameter name B) global parameter name C) parameter’s client D) return data structure 3. The call stack is where the computer stores the list of exceptions. A) True B) False 4. When a variable is declared within a method, it ceases to exist when the method ends. A) True B) False 5. When appropriate, specialized ____ classes provide an elegant way for you to handle error situations. A) Exception B) Error C) Constructor D) Event 6. Everything is an object, and every object is a member of a ____. A) class B) method C) case D) process 7. The ability to use methods without knowing the details of their contents is a feature of ____. A) abstraction B) encapsulation C) inheritance D) construction 8. Class diagrams are a type of ____ diagram. A) Unified Illustration Language B) Unified Modeling Language C) Object-Oriented Modeling Language D) Unified Pseudocode Language 9. Write a method that will perform the a division operation (divide by) on the numbers passed to it in two variables (numerator, denominator) and outputs the results. Use a try-catch pair to output an error message if the illegal operation of divide by 0 occurs. HTML Editor 10. A constructor may require ____. A) parameters B) methods C) objects D) inheritance 11. An instance method or constructor may be overloaded by providing the same name and ____ argument list. A) a different B) the same C) a larger D) a smaller 12. Multiple inheritance is the capability to inherit more than one method from a parent class. A) True B) False 13. Unreachable code statements are program statements that only execute if there is an exception. A) True B) False 14. Design a class named CustomerRecord that holds a customer number, name, and address. Include methods to set the values for each data field and output the values for each data field. Create the class diagram and write the code (not language specific, ie. psuedocode) that defines the class. HTML Editor 15. ____ is the process of creating a new, derived class from a base class. A) Accessibility B) Encapsulation C) Inheritance D) Polymorphism 16. A method is a program module that contains a series of statements that carry out a task. A) True B) False 17. A method’s ____ consists of the method’s statements. A) body B) space C) space D) group 18. When a data field is private, it is said to be ____ to any class other than the one in which it is defined. A) uninheritable B) implicit C) unreachable D) inaccessible 19. A method can be used more than once within a program or in other programs. A) True B) False 20. Libraries are collections of classes that serve related purposes. A) True B) False 21. A child class contains all the data fields and ____ of its parent. A) parameters B) classes C) methods D) procedures 22. An object is a category of things. A) True B) False 23. A(n) ____ is one instance of a class. A) method B) object C) instantiation D) attribute 24. Methods can be ____ correctly by providing different parameter lists for methods with the same name. A) updated B) tested C) overloaded D) passed 25. A catch block consists of four different elements: the keyword catch, followed by parentheses that contain an exception type and identifier, statements that take action to handle the error condition, an endcatch statement, and a return statement. A) True B) False 26. A(n) ____ statement indicates the end of the catch block in the pseudocode. A) finalcatch B) finally C) endcatch D) stop 27. What will be the output of the below program? List what will be outputed to the screen and explain your answer. class Class_name main() // Declarations num index num SIZE = 10 num numbers[SIZE] = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 index = 0 while index < ...

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