The house on mango street story

Introduction Requirements

1. Present the topic.

2. Establish common ground with the reader.

3. Give the context of the discussion, the perspective you’re taking.

4. Interest the reader

  • use a hook (1stsentence);
  • draw the reader into the paper.

5. Establish relevance or significance.

  • through topicality;
  • through connection to audience;
  • through implications.

6. Tell the main point.

7. Give an overview of the structure of the paper (last sentence).

Please I want you to write about “Esperanza” the house on mango street story and tell the audience what we know about her in this story also for the hook Choose three key words that capture what it is like to be a woman living on Mango Street. pick 3 of these themes gender roles, adolescent or family issue for the main point so for the next assignment the body will be connected to the 3 key words

If you didn’t understand the requirements please tell me to explain more and the story attached in the link

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