
The purpose of this assignment is to help you better understand your current use of time and to provide you with information to assist you in deciding whether you want to make time management changes.

The time log:

Design a time log that will allow you to record your time use for 4 consecutive days. Try to get a good picture of how you spend your workdays. Make sure at least two of the days are school days. Please be as detailed as possible but you do not need to record every single minute. Round off times to the nearest 10-15 minute periods (unless you are at work). Start from the time you awake and end with the time you go to bed.

The above should give you some idea of how to set up your log. Record your time usage as you move through your day.

Questions to answer:

After recording your time usage for 4 consecutive days review your results and answer the following questions. When you submit your assignment you need to send me a copy of your log and your answers to each of the questions. Please answer each question separately and completely. One or two sentence answers will not be sufficient. Plan on at least one “healthy” paragraph per question.

  1. What was your biggest time use surprise?
  1. Did you take any time out this week for yourself? What did you do to relax and rejuvenate?
  1. Did you have enough time for sleeping and eating? What changes do you need to make to these activities?
  1. How much of what you did was planned? Give examples. Do you like having a planned schedule or are you more of a “spur of the moment” person? Would a planned schedule make your life easier or harder?
  1. What percentage of your time was spent on your top three goals (there are 168 hours in a week)? Think back to the goals assignment you did earlier in the semester. List your top three goals again. Are you content with the time spent for each of the goals?
  1. What did you learn about how you spend your time and what changes do you plan to make? Will the changes be difficult?

What to Send

For this assignment you need to send the following as attachments:

  • Your time logs (scanned or typed)
  • A paper with answers to each of the above questions. Make sure your paper is grammatically correct and that questions are numbered correctly.
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