Please keep your responses for each section (1 through 4) to no more than 8-10 sentences each. Your responses should reflect a thorough and thoughtful reading of the required text (Robbins, Chatterjee, & Canda, 2011) and The New Jim Crow (Alexander, 2010).

Please use only references indicated.

We examined 2 broad areas of human behavior theory so far this semester (Systems and Conflict theories). Use these theories and respond to the following 5 sections.:

  1. Clearly identify your two theories and describe the core concepts of the theory in your own words to demonstrate your knowledge of the theory base. (8-10 sentences)

2. Compare and contrast the main focus and concepts of the two selected theories in your own words. (8-10 sentences)

3. Relate each of the two theories to a major theme of the New Jim Crow; describe how the theories explain your selected themes. (8-10 sentences)

4. Critically assess how each theory can be useful to you as a social worker in your current field placement. Be specific and provide an example. (8-10 sentences) Field – Stony brook Center of excellence for Alzheimer’s disease)

5. Provide an APA style reference list for any cited sources (should include, at minimum, the two required texts). Please make sure to proofread your work and follow the response format described in the directions. Spelling, sentence structure, citations, organization, flow and critical thinking are all important aspects of this assignments and assessed in this section.

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