Identify an organism that lives within 50 miles of your home.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about how the organism has adapted to survive in their specific environment. Include the following points in your paper:

  • Briefly describe the environment (temperature, landscape, food sources, etc.) and describe the organism’s role in the environment. Determine which organism your chosen organism would be most closely related to using a phylogenetic tree.
  • Identify the structures and functions of the main organs found in your selected organism.
  • Explain how the organism has evolved physiologically to become suited to its environment.
  • Explain how things would change if the organism were to be transplanted to a significantly different environment:
  • Would their organ system still be as efficient? Why or why not?
  • Would the organism survive in this new environment? Why or why not?

Include the diagram and other appropriate pictures in your paper and make sure to provide a full reference for the images in your reference section.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines, including references and in-text citations. Your paper should include a well written introduction and conclusion. Use only academic research sources.

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