Choose one (1) public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
- Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched.
- Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns.
- Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success.
- Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation.
- Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA
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