Answer the 8 questions below, each question minimum of 100 words. Must be in APA format, please identify the questions on paper. Cannot accept more than 5% plagiarism, it will be submitted to TurnItIn
References: Ken ,Black. (2016). Business Statistic For contemporary Decision Making 9th Edition
Feel free to use more than one reference.
This professor is super annoying and strict, so please be aware of that.
Very very important, make sure you don’t fully reference answers, they must also have examples.
1. Describe why sampling is important within statistics and share one method to sample a population focusing on your deep understanding of that method.
2. Provide an example of the Central Limit Theorem from your life (personal or professional) that resembles the bell curve from this methodology?
3. What are the reasons for taking a census?
4. Random vs Nonrandom sampling?
Ch. 8
5. Compare and contrast two of the methods of estimation for single populations.
6. What are the characteristics of the t distribution and how do you read the t distribution table?
7. Explain the population variance, and why is it important?
8. Describe how to estimate the population mean using the z Statistic? And give examples.
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