Scenario: Imagine you are an entrepreneur launching a business planning to operate both domestically and abroad. You are currently developing your marketing plan and strategies.
Develop a 1,050-word analysis addressing the following:
- Describe your organization’s mission, vision, and values.
- Explain how these values will be aligned to your own personal brand identity, ethics, and values when doing business, planning strategies, and solving problems.
- Discuss at least two concepts from class that are elements of a marketing plan and are important tools to your entrepreneurial business’ success. Discuss how the concepts help align the organization’s values with your values. Explain the reasoning leading to these conclusions.
- Select two of the following departments and explain marketing’s role in coordinating their distinct functions:
- Distribution
- Customer Service
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Research and Design
- Sales
- Operations or Manufacturing
- Compare and contrast how culture is likely to impact domestic marketing strategies versus what the company may encounter when doing business abroad such as cultural norms, economics, politics, and legal systems.
- Explain the actions the company can take to ensure that it evolves with the target at home and the countries it does business in.
- Discuss any emerging marketing trends that may affect your business.
Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources with one being from either the text, video material, or the University Library.
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
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