I need help with updating my attachments with the current information below that the teach is requesting.
- Tables: consider updating to include required APA formatting (not that this is the best-in-the-world layout, but it’s an exercise in matching a required format – for example, your company’s style!) The Word Document File
- Score/Importance ( The Excel File)
- You MUST compute a SINGLE score/importance for each question. Chapter 10 describes this through the Consensus Building Session, but our assignment clearly states to AVERAGE the score/importance in lieu of consensus (since you don’t have access to the people!). Note – you can’t make any decisions from 10 different answers.
- You MUST compute a PRIORITY for each question (based on above) – you correctly list the right titles but consider also connecting the given color-scheme to easy matching
- Your gaps MUST comes from your analysis – not subjective guessing – use the exact questions to state your gaps.
- Don’t forget the recommendations once you have your final 2 lists.
Chapter 10 provides the step-by-step process with examples. ( I’ve included the highlights in the power point slides)
- You MUST compute a SINGLE score/importance for each question. Chapter 10 describes this through the Consensus Building Session, but our assignment clearly states to AVERAGE the score/importance in lieu of consensus (since you don’t have access to the people!). Note – you can’t make any decisions from 10 different answers.
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