Lab project 1
For each assignment, you will use the M.U.S.E. link to complete the lab.
In this lab, you will see the progression of industrialization and human growth. This will help you write a scientific paper that focuses on the sustainability of groundwater.
Human Impacts on the Sustainability of Groundwater
Sustainability is based on this simple principle:
- Everything that is needed for human survival and well-being depends on the environment
Also, sustainability:
- Creates and maintains conditions for humans and nature to exist in harmony
- Helps fulfill the social and economic requirements of present and future generations
Keeping sustainability in mind, address the following in your scientific paper:
- If current human growth stays the same, will groundwater sustainability be impacted?
Using the M.U.S.E. link, review the background information and gather your data.
Review this video for a detailed overview of this assignment: . Use the Lab 1 worksheet for assignment instructions and data collection. Be certain to compete both Part 1 and Part 2 of the worksheet.
Please submit your assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Assignment Specific Grading Criteria:
Unit 1 Individual Project Grading Criteria |
Max Points |
Table in Part 1 is filled out completely using simulated data from MUSE |
5 |
Purpose describes the overall lab in 2-3 sentences |
5 |
Introduction is a 1 paragraph about water resource availability. This may include common usages of water and environmental concerns. This not a summary of the actual lab. |
5 |
Hypothesis is a one sentence prediction that relates directly to the data collected in Part 1. |
5 |
Methods include a summary of using the MUSE simulation to collect data. |
5 |
Results summarize in sentence form the data contained in Part 1. Table from Part 1 should either be included in this section or referred to. |
5 |
Discussion is 1 paragraph that explicitly relates data (Part 1) to hypothesis, making connections between human water usages, long-term sustainability, and the impacts of continued human development on water. |
5 |
Uses proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar to write clearly and effectively. |
5 |
Total: |
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