You are to develop a 10-15 page risk assessment report for a company or government agency, using only publicly available information and based on judicious, believable extrapolation of that information. Your risk analysis should consider subject organization information assets (computing and networking infrastructure), their vulnerabilities, and legitimate, known threats that can exploit those vulnerabilities. Steps to be completed:
1. Pick a Subject Organization: Follow these guidelines:
You should pick a company or organization that has sufficient publicly available information to support a reasonable risk analysis, particularly including threat and vulnerability identification.
2. Develop Subject Organization Information: Examples of relevant information include:
Company/Organization name and location
Company/Organization management or basic organization structure
Company/Organization industry and purpose (i.e., the nature of its business)
Company/Organization profile (financial information, standing in its industry, reputation)
Identification of relevant aspects of the organization’s computing and network infrastructure
3. Analyze Risks
For the purposes of this assignment, you will follow the standard risk assessment methodology used within the U.S. federal government, as described in NIST Special Publication 800-30 Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems (linked at the bottom of the page). Based on the threats and vulnerabilities you identify, determine both the relative likelihood and severity of impact that would occur should each of the threats materialize.
4. Prepare Risk Assessment Report to include risk mitigations. The report should include the following:
A. Organization identification summary
B. Executive Summary
C. Scope
D. Overall level of risk
E. Number of risks identified and brief description of what they are
F. Body of the paper
G. Purpose of risk assessment
H. Identify assumptions and constraints
I. Describe risk tolerance
J. Identify and describe risk model
K. Ways organization might respond to mitigate the risk
L. Rationale for any risk-related decisions
M. Missions and functions
N. Summarize risk assessment results
O. Identify the time frames for which the risk assessment is valid.
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