Now that you have read Chapters 4-6 of Watchmen along with the supplemental materials that follow each chapter (pages 110-211 in our edition for this class), come up 3-5 examples where a rhetorical appeal or strategy is being used by the author, illustrator, or colorist. Be sure to indicate the chapter/section and page number, and also explain which strategy is being used, and why. It is highly encouraged that you consider embeding images from the graphic novel to help illustrate what you are discussing. Below are some sample questions to take into consideration for your talking points in this discussion. Feel free to choose whichever ones you want to focus on:
- Which rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, ethos) are used to build characters within the story?
- Are there any fallacies used intentionally by the writer to demonstrate that a character has faulty logic? (In this case, the use of fallacies could be strategic, not an error.)
- Are certain colors used to enhance emotions (the appeal to pathos), such as fear, happiness, sadness, nostalgia, outrage, etc.?
- Are certain objects or the expressions/movements of characters used to enhance or demonstrate the emotions of characters (appeal to pathos)?
- How is the story organized (which strategies were used), and does it enhance or detract from the plot?
- Which literary devices are used to enhance the dialogue, the plot, or characterization?
You will respond to my initial thread. This post, as all of your discussion posts this semester, should be 200-400 words (unless you are posting a video, which should be less than 4 minutes). You do not need to include this word count; however, use the word count at the bottom right corner of the text box to ensure you are staying within the appropriate range.
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