For full points, address the key concepts, make specific comments on the example in the case study, and add your own insightful comments. Your response also needs to include factual support from the assigned reading. Read pages 71-82.…

Review the Case Study. Do you consider hair evidence important in proving a crime? Explain your answer.

Eva Shoen (1990)

In Telluride, Colorado, Eva Shoen was found dead from a single gunshot to her head. The police recovered the bullet and expected to solve the case using ballistics information. Unfortunately, they did not have any useful leads. Three years later, the police received a phone call from a man who believed that his brother, Frank Marquis, was responsible for Shoen’s death. A gun was found on Marquis, but he had already tampered with its barrel, preventing a ballistic match. From questioning a companion of Marquis’s, police learned that Marquis had been in Telluride when Shoen was murdered. They also discovered that Marquis had thrown two bundles out of his car during his drive home to Arizona. Detectives searched the road until they found a bundle of clothing. One of the shirts in the bundle contained a single strand of hair. The color and structure of the hair matched that of Eva Shoen’s hair. When confronted with the evidence, Marquis confessed to the murder and was imprisoned for 24 years.

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