Resume –
- Who is the audience for my resume?
- What is the overall theme of my resume?
- What specifically do I want to highlight in the resume?
- Am I adopting a simple and direct style?
- Am I providing specific supporting evidence? Showing vs. Telling?
- Am I employing language from the job advertisement in the resume?
- Are all of my sections and headings relevant and necessary?
- How is my design visually appealing?
- What am I doing to initially draw a reader’s eye?
- How do I lead a reader through the resume?
- How am I prioritizing and/or ordering my information?
- Is there unnecessary repetition or redundancy in the document?
- Have I adopted an appropriate tone for the document?
- How does this resume support my job application letter?
App letter –
- Who is the audience for my application letter?
- What specifically do I want to highlight in the application letter?
- How do I lead a reader through the application letter?
- Am I providing specific supporting evidence? Showing vs. Telling?
- Am I employing language from the job advertisement in the application letter?
- Have I adopted an appropriate tone for the document?
- How does the application letter extend my resume?
- How does the application letter tell my story as a prospective employee?
basically we are pretending I just graduated college and trying to be realistic so u can make up some stuff. but just be realistic.
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