250 word response with 1-2 scholarly references to each classmate. Must respond to why you agree or disagree with the diagnosis, support with DSM 5 (signs or symptoms), and continue discussion as if responding to the classmate directly with your views.

1) Christina Fife – 5.1

Robin meets criteria for Brief Psychotic Disorder as evidenced by somatic delusions related to her believing that she has an implant in her stomach that was put there during a time she was abducted by aliens. There is no evidence noted by the doctor of any scars on Robin. Robin did not present under the influence of substances or alcohol. Also, her symptoms began 2 weeks ago, as she stated she felt fine until then, when she began receiving messages from her television. Robin meets the criteria for Brief Psychotic Disorder as she is experiencing delusions that have been ongoing for less than on month. Differential diagnoses that were considered substance induced psychotic disorder and schizoaffective disorder. Schizoaffective was not given as there is not enough information regarding possible history of depression or manic episodes at this time.

Becky presents with erotomanic delusions as she believes her boss is in love with her, without them being in a relationship and him being married. Her ability to work and be in the community is not affected as she is not demonstrating any abnormal behaviors. As she has been in counseling for a while, it is known that she is not using substances. Becky reports that her boss has been in love with her for about 6 months now. She meets criteria for Delusional Disorder as evidenced by one delusion that has lasted for more than one month. She is not demonstrating any functional impairment outside of this delusion. We can specify that it is the erotomanic type. Schizophrenia was deemed to not be appropriate as Becky presents with only one symptom, her erotomanic delusion. This is true for schizophreniform disorder, as more than one symptom is present.

It appears difficult to determine an appropriate diagnosis based upon little information. It would be interesting to have complete assessments on both in order to see if there is a history of other delusions or hallucinations. It would also be helpful to understand history for both related to depressive disorders or possible bipolar disorders.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author

2) Paul Hoffman 5.2

According to the information that is provided about Brett from his parents, the counselor may diagnose Brett with Schizophrenia specified with continuous as his symptoms have persisted for nine months. Brett has vocal hallucinations, disorganized behaviors, and has negative symptoms such as diminished emotions (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It has impaired his self-care functioning as he is not eating regularly or bathing, and it is not attributed to other physiological or substance use. My perspective on the nature of psychotic disorders is that they can run in families, but they can also be caused by high stress. In Brett’s situation, he may have become so stressed from his religious course that it caused a psychotic break. However, more information should be collected in order to give a formal diagnosis.

If I had an individual who presented insisting that their etiology was spiritual in nature, I would recommend that we use spiritual rituals, beliefs, and support from the church in order to help the individual with their problem. This would include prayer, scripture reading, and other spiritual rituals that would encourage healing. It would also mean that the counselor be educated on the religion in order to help the client with their healing process.

Mercer’s article discusses using a deliverance type practice to remove demons that have manifested in the individual. This type of treatment would not be recommended by counselors because of the dangers that come with this practice and the lack of empirical evidence. However, if Brett wanted to use this method he could do so with his own will or the counselor could recommend him to a religious counselor who has experience with this type of treatment. Deliverance could be a treatment method that is used as an exorcism of the demon that was exposed to him during the school project. Deliverance is typically performed by a group of individuals of both sexes through the use of prayer and renouncing sins to help remove the demon from the individual’s body (Mercer, 2013). Another technique that Brett could use, that is a main aspect of the deliverance practice, that would be recommended for Brett is prayer as this can help with the healing (Mercer, 2013).


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Mercer, J. (2013). Deliverance, demonic possession, and mental illness: some considerations for mental health professionals. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 16(6), 595–611. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/1367467…

3) Agnes Bridgman 5.2

Brett is a 19-year-old male who is not acting normally, he has had a break from reality. Brett fits the criteria for schizophrenia. A medical examination should take place to rule out any health concerns such as immune system disorders. Brett has stopped eating regularly, does not bathe for days (self-care), stays in his room and talks to himself (hallucinations). His flat affect and odd behaviors have been occurring for around 9 months (continuous signs for at least 6 months) since the Ouija board incident. The Ouija board ritual has affected Brett in negative ways, he feels he has been possessed by impure spirts. Has Brett taken drugs during this time? Has he used cannabis in his adolescence? Was this event traumatic for him? What is Brett’s family health history? Has any of Brett’s family members been treated by the expulsion of demons? What are Brett’s parents’ views on psychological issues and their causes? It is important to make Brett’s family aware of the counselors understanding of Pentecostal views (Mercer, 2013).

Brett’s treatment will depend on how he and his parents wish to move forward. Since Brett’s parents brought him to counseling they must be open to therapy. With the use of Brett’s religious beliefs, prayer, pastors, and therapy help may be obtained (Dziegielewski, 2013).

Dziegielewski, S. F. (2013). DSM-5 in action. Hoboken NJ: John Wiley & sons.

Mercer, J. (2013). Deliverance, demonic possession, and mental illness: some considerations for mental health professionals. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 16(6), 595–611. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/13674676.2012.706272

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