For attached Research proposal please provide subset research questions, The rationale, Definitions, The hypothesis.
Please use attached PPT, to create Rationale, Definition and The hypothesis
The rationale, is a brief summary of the need for the research study. Why is this topic being examined?
Definitions are a list of the terms you believe need to be defined for this research proposal for clarity or are not commonly known terms. The definitions section is typically one to two paragraphs in length (this depends largely upon the number of key words or phrases that must be defined).
The hypothesis is a brief statement of what you believe is the solutions to your stated problem and/or the answer(s) to your stated research question(s) that you will be able to prove through your proposed research.
Your hypothesis, rationale and definitions will also comply with the following general formatting requirements:
- Maximum of two (2) pages in length
- Typed using a 12-point Times New Roman font
- Double-spaced throughout entire paper
- Use a 1 inch margin
- Page header will include your title and page numbers
- Cover/Title page will include your name and the date of submission
Research Question and 3 sub-questions for the problem statement.
Sample Problem Statement: Minority women are under-represented in executive positions in corporate
Sample Research Questions:
What are the factors that contribute to the under-representation of minority women in executive positions in corporate
Sample Subset Research Questions:
What actions should be undertaken to resolve the under-representation of minority women in executive positions in corporate
Who should be responsible for the actions necessary to resolve the under-representation of minority women in executive positions in corporate
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