This assignment is a check-in process to see how you are doing, what sources you’re getting and the strategies you’re using to get there!
When you first created your Research Log, I didn’t grade its contents. I only graded its format and completeness. This week I will grade the contents of the log. At this point, you have completed several activities and exercises giving you opportunities to collect sources on your topic. We have reviewed strategies to get better results, be it from Google or databases or through the process of evaluation. You should now be better able to find high quality sources for your research question.
For this week, submit an updated research log with at least 5 entries (5 different sources). Your log should show that you’ve used several different strategies to demonstrate what you have learned in the class. Also, be sure to include several different search tools. Do not use only Google, or you will lose points.
Carefully evaluate and take notes for each source, as part of your log, and be sure to consider how helpful it is in providing information for your research question. Separate direct quotes from your own notes and put quotes in quotation marks.
This is your chance to show you are on the right track, and get feedback that will help you in the final. You will be graded not only on the completeness of the log, but the variety and types of sources, as well as the variety of search tools and strategies you are logging. You will also be graded on your ability to distinguish between sources (show what each one provides that is unique and distinct from the rest). Refer to the rubric to understand how this will be graded.
You don’t have to use all of these sources in your final, but it is a good idea to keep the end goal in mind.
***Use a specific website i will provide***
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