For your Final Project, you will demonstrate your understanding of the major topics presented in this course by applying them to a public or nonprofit organization of your choice. You will develop an evaluation design that could be used to evaluate a program, problem, or policy. The evaluation design will address this program, problem, or policy in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. The organization should be within the public or nonprofit sector. The purpose of the Final Project is to apply what you learn about research and evaluation design methods to the evaluation of a program, problem, or policy in the organization. This is merely an evaluation design. You are not required to collect data and implement the research to evaluate the program.

The assignment must be 16-18 pages (not including title page, executive summary, and reference pages) double-spaced, APA-formatted paper. You must complete the following elements:

  • Create and include a title page with your name, the course name, and the title of the research project.
  1. Write an Executive Summary that briefly describes the highlights of the evaluation design and the program, problem, or policy it is intended to evaluate.

For 3-7 see already submitted work for these answers.

  1. Briefly describe the organization and include a brief history of the organization as well as information about the purpose of the organization. (Everytown for Gun Safety)
  2. Describe the program, problem, or policy to be evaluated, include information regarding the purpose of the program, problem, or policy, and explain why conducting this research to evaluate the program, problem, or policy is important to this organization. (Community-based gun violence intervention programs)
  3. Describe the research question(s) and hypothesis(es). Clearly articulate them so that you would be able to answer the research questions using the design you develop. (“Do community-based gun violence intervention programs reduce firearm homicides and injuries in the neighborhoods that are most impacted by gun violence?”)(hypothesis is yes it does reduce gun violence)
  4. Explain the evaluation design (i.e., descriptive, associational, causal) that is most appropriate to evaluate the program, problem, or policy. Justify the use of the evaluation design and explain how it can answer the research question(s). (quasi-experimental design)
  5. Explain the sampling technique and justify how this technique will help to answer the research question. (Judgmental design)
  6. Explain potential ethical issues for this evaluation design. Analyze the implications of the ethical issues and explain how you would respond to them
  7. Explain the findings you would anticipate if you conducted the research and implemented the evaluation design to evaluate the program, problem, or policy. Assure that your explanation is appropriate for your intended audience.

Resources Provided:

Bhat, M. A. (2014). Construction and Evaluation of Reliability and Validity of Reasoning Ability Test. Online Submission, 1, 47–52. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibrary.or…

Carnochan, S., Samples, M., Myers, M., & Austin, M. J. (2013). Performance measurement challenges in nonprofit human service organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. doi: 10.1177/0899764013508009

Cave, E., & Holm, S. (2003). Milgram and Tuskegee: Paradigm research projects in bioethics. Health Care Analysis, 11(1), 27–40.

Everytown for Gun Safety. (n.d.). Who We Are. Retrieved from

Everytown for Gun Safety. (2019, April 24). Gun Violence in Cities. Retrieved from

Grunwald, B., & Papachristos, A. V. (2017). Project Safe Neighborhoods in Chicago: Looking Back a Decade Later. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 107(1), 131–159. Retrieved from…

Hatry, H. P. (2013). Sorting the relationships among performance measurement, program evaluation, and performance management. New Directions for Evaluation, 2013(137),19–32.

Johnson, G. (2014). Research methods for public administrators. (3rd ed.). Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe.

Lee Abbott, M., &McKinney, J. (2012) Learning from populations: Censuses and samples. In Understanding and applying research design. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

McCauley, C. (2012). Testing theories of radicalization in polls of U.S. Muslims. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 12(1), 296–311.

Miller, C. J., Smith, S. N., & Pugatch, M. (2019). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs in implementation research. Psychiatry Research.…

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