Paper: Although Buddhism and Hinduism share similar beliefs, their approaches to the self, or the soul are very different. Explain the metaphysical and practical distinctions between anatman and atman , and how these concepts tie into each religions unique approach to the sacred (god/gods) and the path to salvation. Make sure you specify which branches of Buddhism and Hinduism your analysis is tackling. Length: 1500-2000 words, in addition to a bibliography/works cited page Formatting: Double-spaced, 12-pt font size, Arial or Times New Roman Font Bibliography: a minimum of 3 academic sources; preferably peer-reviewed publications and books. One of these must be a book reference. These academic sources are in addition to your textbook/weekly readings/lectures. Do not use Wikipedia as an Internet source. The textbook and required readings will not have enough information about any of the topic questions above to formulate substantial responses. To succeed in this assignment, set aside sufficient time to research the chosen topic thoroughly. Pay special attention to the following items: The information in your paper. Is it correct? Is it detailed? Do you demonstrate basic knowledge of the religious tradition from which the concept is taken? Is this knowledge evident in your description? You must use at least three academic sources in your paper. One of them must be a book reference. How your information is presented. This includes the way the it is organized and language skills such as spelling, grammar, and proper sentence structure. The quality of your analysis, how well you support the main argument of your paper.
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