1, Drivers are Overwhelmingly Receptive to Usage-Based Auto Insurance, According to Towers Watson Survey
2, understanding Earthquake Insurance
3, The Health Care Law & You: What is the Health Care Law ?
Homework 5 (15 points)
1.In “Drivers are Overwhelmingly Receptive to Usage-Based Auto Insurance, According to Towers Watson Survey” (Topic 9 Core):
a.If consumers really modify their behavior based on installation of an UBI device, what would this be an example of from a risk management standpoint? (2 points)
b.Why would consumers not want to use UBI programs according to the author? (2 points)
2.In “understanding Earthquake Insurance” by Heather Turner, (Topic 8 Core):
a.You learn that an earthquake struck Palos Verdes in southern California. It caused several homes to catch fire because gas lines ruptured when sinkholes emerged. Jones’ house was one of them. His home caught fire from a sinkhole which also swallowed his built in swimming pool and his car. The earthquake damaged a detached garage on his property too. Jones has earthquake insurance and homeowners insurance. The car is insured too.
1.Does any policy cover the fire damage to Jones’ house? (1.5 points)
2.Does any policy cover the damage to his pool? (1.5 points)
3.Does any policy cover the damage to his car? (1.5 points)
4.Does any policy cover the detached garage? (1.5 points)
3.In “The Health Care Law & You: What is the Health Care Law?” (Topic 10 Supplemental):
1.How many employeesdoes an employer need to have to be required to offer health insurance benefits? (2 points)
2.What percentage of wellness visits and immunizations must the health plan cover? (2 points)
3.What percentage of a person’s income will be assessed as a penalty if the person does not have health insurance after 2014? (1 point).
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