Please respond to the following: The discussion questions given please produce 200 words about each numbered question. please place answers under each bullet point. In Addition a response must be given back (100 words) to the other studentsKemba Carroll and Kemba Carroll for both responses.
1) Debate It – Take a position on this statement: American values are shaped by the mass media. Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples.
“The Media and Race”
2) Debate It – Take a position on this statement: Representation of race in the media affects our perceptions of individuals. Support your views with one or two reasons and / or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)
Kemba Carroll
RE: Week 1 | Discussion
Debate It – Take a position on this statement: American values are shaped by the mass media. Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples.
I do believe that American values are shaped by the mass media. “The media influences so many people’s behaviour nowadays. Information can be spread after a few clicks of a button, whether it is true, false, speculation or gossip.”This can influence connections in different manners, be it among Celebrities and common individuals or between Celebrities themselves and their friends and family. The media can control, impact, induce and pressurize society, alongside controlling the world now and again in both positive and negative ways; rationally, physically and inwardly.
The most telling finding is that expanded presentation to TV relates with a decrease in acknowledgment of moral obligation. As indicated by the overview, the more hours individuals spend in front of the TV, the more outlandish they are to acknowledge moral duty regarding their very own lives and for their commitments to the individuals around them. They are more averse to act truly, and they are bound to hold tolerant frames of mind about good issues like separation, extramarital sex, homosexuality and abortion. They are more averse to respect Godly qualities and religion in open life.
Tiara Davis
RE: Week 1 | Discussion
Hello Professor Mims and class,
very interesting discussion this week! Might I say, this is a very infighting topic to start the quarter with! I believe social media does in fact influence and have mind-control over certain individual. I would’ve necessarily include this entire generation because I’m apart of this generation and I don’t take everything to social media. When something hits the blogs, whether it be true or false, celebrities rush to try and clear it up as if they need to explain themselves to a bunch of people who don’t know them personally. Social Media, in my opinion, is used to portray people having great lives day in and day out when in reality everyone goes through things. No one person lives an Amazing life every single day. Also, a lot of people go to social media to vent as if they really need some insight on a certain situation from a bunch of random individuals who probably aren’t being very truthful. Then, you have people who go on social media to post disturbing pictures of themselves to gain or seek anonymous likes. It’s all quite disturbing if you ask me!
– Tiara D.
Kemba Carroll
RE: Week 2 | Discussion
Debate It – Take a position on this statement: Representation of race in the media affects our perceptions of individuals. Support your views with one or two reasons and / or examples.
I definitely agree that representation of race in the media affects our perceptions of individuals. Both entertainment and news media are amazing powers in making and sustaining negative social generalizations, particularly about racial and ethnic gatherings. In TV and film, characters from nondominant racial and ethnic groups regularly fall into equation based tropes, and their storylines effectively pursue cliche stories. The consistency of these portrayals strengthens generalizations and makes them all the more promptly accessible in our psyches.
“African Americans are disproportionately represented in news stories about poverty, and these stories tend to paint a picture that is particularly likely to reinforce stereotypes and make it hard to identify with black males. For example, low-income blacks in news stories are more likely to live in slums or urban areas, as opposed to rural areas, than real-world averages would suggest; more likely be entirely unemployed and “idle” (as opposed to working); and so forth. The idle black male on the street corner is not the “true face” of poverty in America, but he is the dominant one in media portrayal. (Clawson & Trice, 2000, updated and confirmed in Clawson et al., 2007)” of individuals. Support your views with one or two reasons and / or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)
Tiara Davis
RE: Week 2 | Discussion
Hello Professor Mims and class, For this week’s discussion, I’ve chosen to agree with the above statement. After having watched the 5 minute video clip, I’ve come to one realization – Slavery still exists! The video was made up of many misguiding headlines of news articles about the way the media represents different cultures, including white and African-American. The media does affect our perceptions of individuals.
One reason why is because when there’s an upcoming presidential election, social media tends to depict apart what the candidates are actually saying and they choose what part they wanted to listen to, instead of actually trying to gain some insight as to what the candidate is campaigning about. Another example is the most recent case of the Dallas police officer being indicted for murder charges. Honestly, when she was sentenced I believed that justice prevailed, but then as I’m scrolling down my timeline on Facebook, most people weren’t too fond of the sentence she received. They believed she should’ve been given more time or worse. It wasn’t until then did I realize she should’ve been given a harsher sentence, since there are people who are serving greater time for nonviolent crimes, when this woman did in fact take someone’s life.
– Tiara D.
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