Baxter International is one of the world’s largest producers of medical products. Work/life balance is a value that is ingrained in the corporate culture. The former CEO, Jansen Kraemer, Jr. exhibited behaviour that set an example for employees by focusing on making time for his family in addition to his focus on work. Baxter has successfully performed as a business by focusing on traditional business goals as well as employee work/life balance.

Q. What do you understand by Work life balance and work flexibility in any Organization?

Q. How can an Employer support employees to achieve work life balance? And how can it increase the productivity of any Organization?

Q. Explain with some reasons that why are employees giving more preference for work flexibilities in their job? Write the name of 2 companies of Saudi Arabia in which you want to work with due to their work flexibility.

  • Regulations:
  • Student must apply APA Style within their reports.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • Answer for etch question should be in not less than 150 words. All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • Plagiarism in Student will get zero grades.
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