Please answer the following question sets. Each question set is worth 25 points. Please provide several sentences for each question set to earn full credit.
1. Recall an event or activity that you’ve planned and conducted in the past year. What kind of research, if any, did you do? How could evaluation of that effort help you next time you do a similar event or activity? What kind of research would you do next time?
2. Name an organization that’s facing an issue trending in the news. What are the organization’s internal and external publics? Who are the latent, aware and active publics for the issue? Who are primary, secondary and tertiary publics?
3. Have you ever conducted a survey, focus group or other types of social research? Aside from the cost, what are some advantages and disadvantages of doing the research yourself versus pay for research services?
4. What is a utilitarian argument for why you would make a decision? Is utilitarianism an ethical principle for public relations research? Why or why not?
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