Below are 2 articles.
Each article requires the questions below them to be answered.
Alceste et al. (2018) – Social attributions: Attribution error
QUESTION 1: What was the purpose/aim of the study?
QUESTION 2: What were the hypotheses? DO NOT copy and paste. You MUST paraphrase.
QUESTION 3: What was the independent variable in Study 1?
QUESTION 4: What were the independent variables in Study 2?
QUESTION 5: What was the type of design?
QUESTION 6: While the authors created exceptional mundane realism (the degree to which the materials and procedures involved in an experiment are similar to events that occur in the real world) can we expect the results to generalize to people observing real interrogations conducted by real police officers are real police stations?
Neuschatz et al. (2008) – Social attributions: Attribution error
QUESTION 1: What was the purpose/aim of the study?
QUESTION 2: What were the hypotheses? DO NOT copy and paste. You MUST paraphrase.
QUESTION 3: What were the independent variables in Study 1 and how were they operationalized?
QUESTION 4: What were the independent variables in Study 2?
QUESTION 5: What was the type of design?
QUESTION 6: What did the authors do to examine whether participants committed an attribution error?
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