Once you have carefully read both articles, write a short essay (800-1000 words) that answers the prompt below.
Should students be required to wear uniforms in schools?
Your essay should include:
- An introduction with a hook, background information and a thesis that directly answers my prompt
- 2-3 body paragraphs that follow PIE structure, starting with a Point that is an opinion, using quotes from the articles as Information and Explaining the quotes thoroughly. There should be two quotes, both with explanations, so PIEIE.
- A one sentence counter argument that comes before one of your Points (the Point would be your refutation)
- A conclusion that restates the thesis and gives a final thought.
Step 3:
Submit your Essay for grading. Be mindful of the clock. I will not accept any essays past the 2 hour time limit or by email. Remember to do your best, as your grade on this will not change.
Also, remember that using any outside sources is forbidden and will result in a 0 on this assignment.
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