Prepare and submit a written draft of Problem statement, research question/sub-questions for attached research proposal topic and intro.
Research question and subset questions should be in match with your problem statement, in accordance with proposed research topic.
Attached example and guide document, also attached Research Project Topic and its intro document.
1)Problem statement Should be stated in two complete sentences (related to research project proposal topic and intro, attached doc)
◦First sentence should definitively state the specific organizational problem that you hope to solve as a result of conducting your research effort
◦Second sentence should definitively state the focus, purpose or intent of your research with respect to the stated problem. Should be clear, concise, definitive, self-explanatory, unambiguous and readily understood by anyone who reads it
2) Need one Research Question and 3 sub-questions for the problem statement.
Sample Problem Statement: Minority women are under-represented in executive positions in corporate
Sample Research Questions:
What are the factors that contribute to the under-representation of minority women in executive positions in corporate
Sample Subset Research Questions:
What actions should be undertaken to resolve the under-representation of minority women in executive positions in corporate
Who should be responsible for the actions necessary to resolve the under-representation of minority women in executive positions in corporate
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