We’ve all heard the cliché that “nice guys finish last.” Is this true in marketing? Do firms that use good ethical practices have an advantage or disadvantage? Do you think consumers will pay a few cents more for non-polluting soap or environmentally friendly food products? Even popular movies have raised this question. In the film, “Heaven Can Wait,” Warren Beatty plays Joe Pendleton, a former NFL quarterback who came back to life as a CEO after a fatal accident. Joe tells his executives that he wants his company to be the “good guy tuna company.” Joe believed his customers would pay a little more to not kill dolphins. This sounds good in the movies, but is it true in real life? How about for you and your family?
Select a company that you believe has exceptionally good or bad ethical practices. Tell your classmates if you believe they are at an advantage or disadvantage and why. Consider the Saint Leo core values, particularly excellence. Does the firm you selected reflect any of them in their marketing practices? Use specific examples to support your opinions. Don’t forget to include your personal experiences with the company and with our core values. Please type the name of your firm in the title of your post (e.g., TOM’S SHOES) so your classmates can easily see it. Any firm can only be used ONCE – first come, first served!
No more than 250 words
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