Principles of Mangerial Accounting 1.) Mayberry Textiles Inc. is considering the purchase of a new machine which has an initial cost of $400,000. Annual operating cash inflows are expected to be $100,000 each year for eight years. No salvage value is expected at the end of the asset’s life. Mayberry’s cost of capital is 14 percent. Compute the net present value of the machine. (Ignore income taxes) 2.) Bayleaf Inc is considering the purchase of a machine that costs $250,000. The machine is expected to generate revenues of $85,000 per year for five years. The machine would be depreciated using the straight-line method over a five-year life and have no salvage value. The company considers the impact of income taxes in all of its capital investment decisions. The company has a 40 percent income tax rate and desires an after-tax rate of return of 12 percent on its investment Compute the net present value of the machine. Complete responses should meet or exceed the required word count if applicable. The minimum word count will need to exceed 150 words for each question unless otherwise stated. You must show your work if the question required a numerical answer.
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