For this assignment, you will be asked to write a 3-full page paper, in the form of a Diary Entry, from the perspective of someone of a Race different than your own. This means that if you are of African-American descent, pick someone who is either Muslim, White, Latin (etc.), assume their “Racial Mentality” and “Ethnic Identity,” then answer the questions listed below. Remember this is a “Diary Entry,” so please provide personal feelings and thoughts, in the viewpoint of the race you are assuming.
If you are assuming a characteristic of someone who’s viewpoints are vastly different from your own, I encourage you to be as true to your characteristic as possible, but to also provide a paragraph at the end of your paper explaining your own personal viewpoints. I understand it can be frustrating expressing “extremely bigoted viewpoints,” (which can come about if you are assuming ideas/thoughts from the Alt-Right group) therefore I encourage you to freely express yourself at the end of your paper, so that you are not bottling up unneeded frustration about this assignment.
Assignment Questions
- What will come up for you when confronted with daily events that target your group? (i.e.: someone being shot, deported, denied access to middle-class housing neighborhoods, etc.)
- How is your community reacting to your presence? (i.e.: staring, commenting, spitting, etc.)
- Listed below are specific governmental policies/social reform groups that are currently impacting multiple racial/ethnic groups around the country. Indicate how one (or more) event impact(s) your daily life.
Current Governmental Policies/Social Reform Groups and Their Impact on Specific Groups
- (Muslims/Latinx/etc.) Wall on the US/Mexico Border: one of the biggest topics in politics currently.
- (African Americans) Black Lives Matter: the perception that African-Americans are indiscriminately being shot by police.
- (White Americans) Alt-Right: the perception that White Privilege is being infringed upon and need to be protected.
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