The Aloha Airlines 737-200 accident sparked the interest in maintenance human factors and maintenance resource management (MRM). It prompted Transport Canada to produce the dirty dozen: a maintenance course designed to identify judgment errors. Likewise, after many aircraft near misses, Europe and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) produced training programs such as the air traffic teamwork enhancement (ATTE) and team resource management (TRM). These courses were designed to promote awareness and safety and reduce human error. Instructions Review the readings and this article retrieved from the Hunt Library, Crew Resource Management: Improving Team Work in High Reliability Industries and start a narrated presentation. Address the following: Explain the two topics (ATC and MX) for clarification and understanding. Discuss the similarities and differences of MRM and TRM from CRM. Assess the impact of these applications to aviation safety. Finally, provide examples by identifying aircraft accidents or workplace accidents where this training might have made a difference in the outcome. Your presentation should consist of approximately 7-10 slides (not including the title slide and the reference slide). With a suggested length of 3-5 minutes of audio, overall. The information should be properly cited and referenced using the current APA edition.
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