Welcome to the Religious News Station!
As the newest member of the organization, you will be exploring many different religions from varying viewpoints throughout this course. This ongoing travel will have you reporting on various religions around the world and will conclude with a final project for the news station.
For your first assignment, you will be packing your bags and traveling to India! It is there where you will find the major concentration of those practicing Hinduism.
As you begin traveling for Religious News, your boss wants you to embrace the Hindu culture as much as possible. Per his request, he has asked that you visit a temple, attend one festival of your choosing, and observe either an investiture, marriage, or funeral ceremony.
For your write-up, be sure to include the following components for your report:
- Summarize the impact samskaras have on Hindu society;
- Compare and contrast a selected Hindu ceremony (e.g., the investiture, marriage, or funeral ceremony) to one that takes place within your culture; and
- Compare and contrast social statuses within Hinduism to that of your culture.
Your reflection should be at least one page in length. You must include at least two outside sources, Remember to use APA formatting throughout the assignment.
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