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- Interview 5 people about what top 5 characteristics influence their purchase of cookies.For more consistency, you might want to interview peers or people with similar profiles, just as you would in interviewing a target segment.
- Note which 2 characteristics are most common across all 5 interviews. You will need to develop end points for your X and Y axis’.Note: you want to pick characteristics that make for logical end points and will result in a useful plot and positioning.Price definitely yields ‘high’ and ‘low’ as end points, but what does that mean since each interviewee might have different perceptions of what constitutes a high or low price. Similarly, ‘quality’ is subjective unless you get some attributes that make it more specific.When interviewing, you might ask for a bit more detail so that you can compile useful output.Do not use price or quality as a defining term without more specifics.
- Ask them for the names of 5 brands of purchased cookies they are familiar with.
- Ask them their perception of the brands on their most important characteristics.
- Create your x and y axis based on the characteristics most often cited by all the interviewees. Plot the 5 most commonly cited brands on those dimensions.The result should show 5 brand points using the two most common dimensions. Your plot should show a distribution of the brands.If all brands are in one quadrant, reconsider your selection of axis characteristics.
- Based on your map, make a recommendation as to where a new entrant enter the cookie market with the new brand, “Sieloff” cookies.
- Where would you recommend the new brand be positioned?
- Show the positioning of “Sieloff” brand on your map.
- Discuss why this would be a good business choice in terms of the degree of meaningful differentiation that could be achieved.
- Write a positioning statement/value proposition for the “Sieloff” product/brand.
Using product-specific characteristics for both axis’ helps create a positioning far more difficult for competition to match than price.The concept of quality is supported by actual product characteristics, so product-based characteristics establishes points of differentiation and defensible positioning.
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