Portfolio Exercise:

It’s just a little over a month into the fall semester. The best way for an educator to understand how much students are learning is by giving them an opportunity to share their experiences and to draw connections between these experiences. In approximately 250 words tell me:

  1. What is it like to be a student in my class?
  2. What might be getting in the way of your success?
  3. How can I do better to make your learning experience fun and worthwhile?
  4. What learning outcomes have you accomplished already?

Portfolio Project will help the student build connections between the material and help you to be creative in how you might move forward. Additionally, it helps the instructor assess the effectiveness of the curriculum and learning outcomes. This assignment builds as you move through the parts, so be creative and think about what the learning outcomes are (see below) and how they fit with your goals.

Five learning outcomes:

  1. Develop skills in describing the various drivers of global change and their connectedness to social outcomes;
  2. Articulate the importance of interdisciplinary thinking in solving global problems that cut across traditional disciplinary boundaries in the natural and social sciences;
  3. Assess and articulate the linkages between science and technology and its outcomes in society;
  4. Critically engage in analyzing how human decision occurring in multiple places contributes to both local and global change; and
  5. Become better equipped to contribute to the debate on global issues change and become informed citizens and decision-makers.
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