Assignment Choice #1: Advantages of Cloud Computing
A school decides it wants to provide a common and consistent “office” solution (a software package that includes word processing, spreadsheets, presentation capabilities, and drawing capabilities) to all students and teachers in the school. The school has approximately 1,000 students, 50 teachers, five administrators, five secretaries, and 10 food/maintenance workers. The school also wants to provide a solution that allows students to do their homework on any device they own, with the ability to log in from anywhere anytime and get to the work they last worked on where they left off.
Right now the school has at least four different versions of office software, the library has PCs, the classrooms have Macs, some of the kids have tablets of varying varieties, and the office staff members all have different laptops. The IT group has a heck of a time ensuring all machines are up to date, patched correctly, and have the correct software installed. Everyone is provided a USB drive to save their work to.
You have been tasked with outlining a “cloud computing” strategy that will provide a common and consistent solution to the above scenario. Be sure your outline includes:
- What cloud-based services or deployment models would you recommend? And why?
- What common office software would you recommend? And why?
- Does your solution ensure log-in capabilities from anywhere anytime on any platform? Be sure to address how.
Your proposal should be 2-3 pages in length and include at least three credible scholarly resources to support your findings.
Assignment Choice #2: Cloud-Based Organizations
Your company is interested in learning more about cloud computing and the varying services offered. The head of the IT department has handed you a list of cloud-based organizations—he doesn’t have time to put together a report for the CEO that explains what cloud computing does and how it might benefit the organization. That, of course, is why YOU got the list.
For each of the organizations on the list, you are to report back on the following:
- What is the organization’s primary cloud function—what advantages might the organization have over another organization that provides the same product or service?
- What type of cloud computing service model is the organization using?
- Does the organization provide any type of cloud deployment model? If so, what is it and why might your organization choose the company you are reporting about over another one?
- What “promises” of a secure cloud environment does the organization highlight? Are those considerations important to your company? Why?
The list you were given contains the following organizations:
- Apple iCloud
- Amazon Web Services
- Google Docs
- Windows Azure
Your proposal should be 2-3 pages in length and include at least three credible scholarly resources to support your findings.
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