PADM 7410 Assignment 4
1. Data Set 1 is the number of tons of trash (solid waste) collected by the Normal, Oklahoma solid waste collection teams for the month of March, 2017.
Do the following:
a) Prepare the frequency distribution
b) Present the distribution graphically
c) Prepare a cumulative frequency distribution
d) Present the cumulative distribution graphically
e) Write a one-page memo explaining what you have found about the solid waste
collection teams in Normal.
2. The City Clerk has received several complaints over the past year over the amount of time couples had to wait for a marriage license. Data Set 2 provides a representative sample of marriage licenses issued for 2015 and 2016. A time clock stamps each license application with the time the application is received and the time it is issued. The clerk considers service rendered in less than 10 minutes Good service and service received in less than 15 minutes Acceptable. The clerk is interest in determining whether service has improved or decline over the past two years.
Do the following:
a) Prepare the percentage distribution for the marriage licenses data and the appropriate
graphical displays
b) Write a one-page memo explaining the results and addressing the question whether the
service has improved or decline over the past two years as well as a recommendation, if any is needed, on improving service.
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