For full points, address the key concepts, make specific comments on the example in the case study, and add your own insightful comments. Your response also needs to include factual support from the assigned reading. The reading is pages 155-166.…
To get a conviction, I would rather have one good fingerprint than a pound of hair and fiber evidence. Do you agree or disagree? Support your answer. Submit as a word document or PDF.
Pedro Ramón Velásquez (1892)
On June 29, 1892, in the village of Necochea, Buenos Aires, two children, Ponciano Carballo Rojas, age six, and his sister Teresa, age four, were found brutally murdered in their home. Their mother, Francesca, age 27, was found with a superficial knife wound to the throat. The police started an investigation that baffled them. Francesca told police that her neighbor, Pedro Ramón Velásquez, had committed the crime. Velasquez, a one-time suitor of Francesca’s, did not confess, even after being tortured. Inspector Commissioner Alvárez went to the crime scene to reexamine it, searching for any trace of evidence that might have been overlooked. He spotted bloody fingerprints on the doorpost of the house. Because Francesca had denied touching the bodies of her children, Alvárez believed he had found an important clue. He took the bloody doorpost and fingerprint samples of Pedro Velásquez to Juan Vucetich, who in late 1891 had opened the first fingerprint bureau in South America in Buenos Aires. Vucetich examined the fingerprints and found they did not match. Alvárez became suspicious of Francesca, who had been so insistent that Velásquez had committed the crime. He took a sample of her fingerprints and discovered that they matched the bloody prints found on the doorpost of the house. When Francesca was confronted with the evidence against her, she confessed. She had murdered her own children, faked an attack on herself, and cast blame on an innocent man, intending him to die for the crime. Her reasons for the murder and for blaming Velásquez were that he had interfered in a romance between her and another suitor, and she felt she would be more appealing to the other man if she did not have children. Francesca Rojas was the first person in the Americas to be convicted of a crime based on fingerprint evidence.
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