By the end of Week 7, you will submit a Research Report in which you apply relevant concepts to a significant public policy problem area based on one of the major topics covered in the course. This week, your Assignment is to identify a research topic that incorporates the theoretical concepts outlined in the readings as well as other material covered in the course. Topics may include any of the issues covered during the course and must relate specifically to a significant public management problem.
For example, you might investigate alternative means (such as, cases, social media, news broadcasts, webinars) to visualize the implementation of complex public policy priorities including health care, immigration reform, national security, civil liberties, digital government, or tax reform. A list of approved topics will be posted in the Faculty Corner.
TOPIC: The Trump Administration: Accomplishments, Administration and Scandals
- Clearly identify the topic of the research report.
- Include a thesis, problem statement, or research questions you plan to address in your report.
- List the main headings and subheadings you plan to use to structure your report.
- Provide a complete, APA style formatted Bibliography that lists all the sources you plan to use in order to support your discussion of the topic.
Below are some sample Outlines and grading rubric
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