Please read below , and please check attached documents
Information security uses administrative, technical (logical), and physical controls to mitigate risks related to organization’s assets. A policy is an administrative control.
If no policy exist in the IT department, research shows that employees will default to a defacto policy. A defacto policy means a policy that is in effect ,but not formally recognize. To stop this for happening, It is important for students to understand how to take the cloud best practices discussed throughout this course and use them to create a cloud security policy. Cloud security fundamentals and mechanisms is a huge part of the cloud security policy.
For this assignment, read the attached article: “Our Journey to the Cloud”. Use the SANS email policy template
to create a policy for the cloud. Please note, the SANS policy is a template you can use to structure your policy.
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Note: Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign. Be sure to properly cite any material from other sources.
Required Text Book
Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture by Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini, Zaigham Mahmood, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 9780133387520.
Recommended Reading:
- Yeluri, Raghu., & Castro-Leon, Enrique. Building the Infrastructure for Cloud Security Gendron Michael. Business Intelligence and the Cloud
- Chandrasekaran, K. Essentials of Cloud Computing
- Newcombe, Lee. Securing Cloud Services, A pragmatic approach to security
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