Analyze the following in a minimum of 1,400 words regarding legal and tax issues in hiring employees:

  • Analyze the effect that classifying employees as agents of a company has on social entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs in hiring employees.
  • Evaluate the impact that social entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs understanding employment discrimination laws has on the employer-employee relationship.
  • Analyze the importance of the employment agreement from the perspective of social entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and employees.
  • Evaluate ways social entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs create dynamic organizations by understanding legal and tax issues.
  • Evaluate examples of how top companies are creating dynamic organizations for their employees.

Cite a minimum of 2 peer reviewed reference from the University of Phoenix Library.

Format consistent with APA guidelines.


Write a 700- to 1,050-word personal reflection paper in which you address the following:

  • What is your personal stance on the privatization of prisons versus traditional government-run facilities?
  • Is it ethical for prisons to focus on profit? Why or why not?
  • Do you support the phasing out of corporate-run prisons by the Justice Department? Why or why not?
  • Do you think community corrections programs have placed too much burden and risk on communities and citizens? Are some programs better for community placement than others? Explain your answer.
  • What consequences should be faced by correctional officers who violate ethical codes of conduct?
  • If a correctional officer is arrested and incarcerated, should they be housed with the regular inmate population?
  • Is there ever a circumstance in which you feel physical punishment is appropriate? Explain your response.
  • Include a 1- to 2-paragraph summary of your thoughts on your collaborative group’s discussion of the death penalty.

Format your paper in accordance with APA guidelines.


A) Identify and discuss legal mistakes made by entrepreneurs.

B) Do we consider intellectual property an asset of a business? Why?

Cite and reference the sources of your information as per the standard APA writing style.


Corrections is an entity of the criminal justice system that is expansive and creates ethical questions. What are ethical issues related to correctional procedures? Explain the expected code of ethical behavior for probation, parole, and corrections officers. Provide examples and cite any sources used in supporting your points.

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